From 100 €

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Our vision

für ein nachhaltiges Investment
With bulkvision, you invest in sustainable food safety and more efficient logistics in the global transportation of food, feed and chemicals. Our vision is to bring our sustainable innovation to global logistics with the help of digital traceability of every single process step in the supply chains and by using standardized cleaning procedures for the benefit of consumers and industry. With bulkvision blockchain cloud technology, we are making the daily work of the transportation and logistics industry, which is under enormous price pressure, easier. Efficient and error-free data transfer reduces the often long and cost-intensive waiting times caused by poor coordination and communication between carriers and shippers at loading points and cleaning stations, counteracts driver shortages, avoids language barriers and reduces CO2 emissions at the same time. The focus here is on protecting consumers from dangerous contamination, e.g. with salmonella or other contaminants, and preventing product recalls by the industry costing billions.
The majority of the capital employed is used for personnel development in order to attract talented specialists. In addition, investments are made in marketing and sales in order to increase brand presence and acquire new customers. A significant proportion is invested in software development to further expand the company's technological leadership. This strategic allocation of capital is aimed at strengthening bulkvision's market position and generating long-term growth.
You can find the way to participate in our profile on the FunderNation website:

Jetzt ab 100 € mit Early Bird Vorteilen in bulkvision investieren

Investment Information Sheet (VIB)
pursuant to §§ 2a, 13 VermAnlG of bulkvision GmbH
VIB Download